Registration Deadline: 19 April 2019
Paper Submission Deadline: 29 March 2019
Holding Date: 18 And 19 April 2019
Organizer(s): University of Kurdistan, Cihan University, Charmo University
Sponsor(s): Science and Technology Park of Kurdistan, Management and Planning Organization of Kurdistan Province, Farhangian University
Conference Calendar:
  • Holding Date: -1963 Days Left
  • Paper Submission Begins: -2071 Days Left
  • Paper Submission Deadline: -1983 Days Left
Draw function charts in LaTeX
Start Date:
18 April 2019
Conference Location:
University of Kurdistan
Registration Deadline:
14 April 2019
Shoaeib Mahmoudi
25 Person
At the end of the workshop, participants will learn…
  • What PGFPlots is.
  • What is needed to draw functions charts with LaTeX.
  • Draw a function chart from File Data
  • Draw a function chart from Mathematical Expressions
  • Draw 2D function charts
  • Draw 3D function charts
Regisrtation deadline ended
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