Registration Deadline: 26 November 2018
Paper Submission Deadline: 16 October 2018
Holding Date: 28 And 29 November 2018
Organizer(s): University of Kurdistan, Smart/Micro Grids Research Center, Iranian Society of Smart Grid
Sponsor(s): Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology, Sharif University of Technology, Iran University of Science and Technology, Niroo Research Institute, Power and Water University of Technology, IEEE, Kurdistan Electrical Power Distribution Company, Kurdistan Transmitting Power Office, West Regional Electric Company, IEEE Kurdistan Student Branch, Iran National Science Foundation
Conference Calendar:
  • Holding Date: -2279 Days Left
  • Paper Submission Begins: -2486 Days Left
  • Paper Submission Deadline: -2322 Days Left
How can I submit my paper to the SGC 2018?
Please follow the “Paper Submission Guide” instruction carefully. You can see how to submit your paper step by step.

May I cancel my submission to SGC, and send my paper to other conferences?
If technical committee has already sent your paper to the reviewers and secretariat has received response from at least one reviewer, you cannot withdraw your paper and cancel your submission.

I have already sent my paper via email, is it necessary to submit it via the SGC website?
The conference secretariat never accepts submission via email, unless it is specified in “Paper Submission Guide” instruction.

When will result of paper evaluation be published?
Check out the date in conference calendar in the “Important Dates”. The results will be published via the secretariat System and you will also be informed by email.

I signed up in the system, but not able to submit a paper?
This may happen when deadline is passed. Otherwise, you can contact the secretariat.

How do I edit of my submitted paper?
You can edit your submission by clicking on    in the “submitted papers” tab, if this option is still available for you.

How do I check the status of my submitted paper?
If you are the submitting author of your paper, you can sign in the Secretariat System and check the status of your paper and the evaluation results in the “Submitted Papers” page.

What should I do after my paper have been accepted?
Once you receive an acceptance letter form the SGC, you should first make sure whether your paper is accepted for poster or oral presentation. At any case, you must prepare your poster and/or PPT according to the provided poster/ppt template by SGC (it can be found in the SGC website) and send it to SGC secretariat via email. For your convenience, the SGC can print your poster if interested. It should be noted that the final files must be sent within the specified deadline.
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