Registration Deadline: 26 November 2018
Paper Submission Deadline: 16 October 2018
Holding Date: 28 And 29 November 2018
Organizer(s): University of Kurdistan, Smart/Micro Grids Research Center, Iranian Society of Smart Grid
Sponsor(s): Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology, Sharif University of Technology, Iran University of Science and Technology, Niroo Research Institute, Power and Water University of Technology, IEEE, Kurdistan Electrical Power Distribution Company, Kurdistan Transmitting Power Office, West Regional Electric Company, IEEE Kurdistan Student Branch, Iran National Science Foundation
Conference Calendar:
  • Holding Date: -2104 Days Left
  • Paper Submission Begins: -2311 Days Left
  • Paper Submission Deadline: -2147 Days Left
Registration fees
The 2018 Iranian Smart Grid Conference (SGC 2018) will be held on November 28th and 29th, in Sanandaj, Kurdistan, Iran, organized by University of Kurdistan (UOK) and Smart/Micro Grids Research Center (SMGRC) in cooperation with the Iranian Society of Smart Grid. This conference is a forum for the participants to discuss state-of-the-art innovations in smart grid technologies. The registration costs to participation in this scientific forum are provided in the following table.
Registration Fees for the Iranian Smart Grids Conference (SGC 2018)
Category Fee (IRR) Before:
13, November, 2018
Fee (IRR) After:
19, November, 2018
Participation with paper 135$ 160$
Participation with paper and IEEE membership 110$ 132$
Participation with paper and Science Society of Smart Grid membership 110$ 132$
Student participation with paper and IEEE or Iran Society of Smart Grid membership 85$ 105$
Student participation with paper 95$ 115$
Participation without paper 190$ 215$
Participation without paper and IEEE membership 145$ 175$
Participation without paper and Iran Society of Smart Grid membership 145$ 175$
Student participation without paper and IEEE & Iran Society of Smart Grid membership 110$ 132$
Each additional paper 65$ 80$
Print of the paper poster⃰ 6$ 6$
⃰ In order to provide integrated posters for the accepted papers, it is advisable to email poster of the accepted papers to the secretariat to be published by the Conference Publication Committee. For this purpose, the cost of printing the poster will be received.
►Registration fees include conference, exhibition, lunches, Welcome Reception and proceedings.

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